Thursday, 14 December 2017

CO2: Friend or Foe to Agriculture?

To look from a different perspective, today I would like to discuss some of the possible impacts that global warming could impose on the agriculture sector. 

Impacts on Crops

Fig. 1 Effects of climate change on maize and rice yields in 2050 under climate change ad compared with potential 2050 yields in there had no change in climate. Negative in red; Positive in blue.
Source: Based on Ignaciuk and Mason-D’Croz (2014)

  • Higher carbon dioxide concentration can affect crop yields. A few studies suggest that higher CO2 levels aids photosynthesis and increase plant growth. However, plant growth is also affected by other factors such as water and nutrient constraints, which could offset the potential increase in yields. 
  • Higher frequencies of extreme event affect crop growth. Extreme events such as drought and flooding are thought to harm crop and reduce yields. 
  • A variation in food quality. Studies have suggested that nutrient values of most food crops is reduced with higher CO2 concentration. On the other hand, some suggested that a doubling in vitamin C concentration is found in specific fruits.  
  • Different areas would experience different effects. According to the latest IPCC report, an improvement in food production in mid to high latitudes over the next decade. Conversely, other parts are thought to experience declining conditions. Overall, productivity levels are expected to be lower than without climate change. 

Impacts on Livestock

  • Heat waves can directly threaten livestock. It can increase vulnerability to disease, reduce fertility, and reduce milk production over time. 
  • Drought could affect pasture and fodder supply. For livestock that depends on grains could be affected by changes in grain production. 
  • A possible increase in the prevalence of parasites and disease. Early springs and warmer winters may allow the survival of them to be more easily

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